Who is Jesus to You? Keeping Christ First | John Michael Burrow
Pastor John Michael explores the nature and significance of Jesus Christ, emphasizing His role as the creator, reconciler, and hope for humanity. We are challenged to examine our personal relationship with Jesus and to recognize His supremacy in all aspects of life. The sermon stresses the importance of building one's life on the foundation of Christ and maintaining a steadfast faith in the gospel message.
Key Points:
Jesus is the founder and creator of all things.
Christ is the image of the invisible God.
Jesus is our reconciliation to the Father.
Christ is the head of the church.
Jesus is our hope for the future.
The importance of making Christ first in all areas of life.
The transformative power of truly understanding who Jesus is.
Scripture Reference:
Colossians 1:15-23
Matthew 16:13-17
Ephesians 2:4-5
Luke 14:26
Acts 4:11-12