Generosity is our Response

Carrying out our mission to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ begins right here at home. In addition to our local outreach, we partner with several ministries to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and serve those in need.

Hands of Hope

Hands of Hope utilizes TBC's Food Pantry and Food Ministry Trailer to serve people in need in our community.

Power Packs for Kids

Each week during the school year, help provide weekend food items to children in need in our community.

Items that are collected weekly
  • Single serving pop top cans
  • Individual packs of snacks and breakfast items

Local Partnerships

Our local partnerships often involve TBC members serving, supporting financially, praying for, and raising awareness of ministry needs. Click the links below to learn more about these individual ministries:

Neighborhood Christian Center 
Tennessee Valley Outreach 
Decatur Sav-A-Life Pregnancy Center 
Committee on Church Cooperation 
Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries
Morgan County Baptist Association

Global Partnerships

TBC has the privilege of supporting the Gospel internationally through missionaries and ministries around the world.

Archangel Group International
Venezuela Ministries

Volunteer for Missions

We look forward to partnering with you in missions! Please fill out this form, and we'll get you connected with the ministry you'd like to join.

If you are interested in serving AT TBC, we'd love to have you! Download our APP or fill out this form!