trinity worship

He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the LORD and put their trust in him. Psalm 40:3
At TBC we believe worship is more than just music—worshiping through music is one response to God's incredible grace extended to us through Christ.  Our contemporary worship services are Christ-centered, focusing on the good news of Jesus Christ and pointing us back to the Gospel. We strive to create an atmosphere where we can edify one another, encourage one other through "psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs"(Ephesians 5:19), and rest in the goodness and presence of God.  We're a family-friendly community that values prayer and seeks to connect with God through worship, prayer, and community with one another.

Check out our Spotify playlist!

Specific Areas of Worship Ministry at TBC

Worship Choir
The worship choir is for YOU if you have a love for worship, a desire to see the church worshiping and exalting Jesus, and want to use your voice for God's glory!
You are welcome to join the choir at any of our rehearsals! We meet through the Spring and Fall on Sundays at 4pm in the choir room (from the sanctuary, head to the right towards the commons, and stop in the room up the two steps). We offer childcare during rehearsals for birth - 4th grade for families who need it.

Click HERE to let us know you're coming, and we will save a seat for you! No ability to pick out your own harmony or read music necessary.
Worship Band
Our worship band is a group of rotating musicians who have a desire to see the church worship Jesus through music!
Our current band members primarily play piano/keyboard/organ, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar, and drums. We are open to adding various instruments - especially for special services. If you are interested in joining the worship band, fill out the form at the bottom of this page to sign up for an informal audition! 
Praise Team
Our praise team is a group of auditioned worship leaders from our choir who feel that God has gifted them with the ability and desire to lead the church in worship.
To be apart of the praise team, members must first serve in the choir, attend choir rehearsals, and complete the audition process.
The ability to hear or memorize harmony, blend with other singers, and a willingness for further learning are requirements for being a part of the praise team.
Fill out the form at the bottom of this page to schedule your audition for the praise team.
Next Generation Worship
TBC is passionate about ALL ages of our church engaging with God through music. If you would like to learn more about what music looks like or about serving in the worship ministry in a specific area of our church, please click the names below to contact those ministry leaders:
Kids (infants - 4th grade) - Amy Long
Preteens (5th-6th grade) - Jordan Finger
Students (7th-12th grade) - John Michael Burrow
Tech Team
The tech team is a vital part of the worship team at TBC. There are many areas where someone can serve -  running audio, camera, lighting, lyrics - serving in our Sunday morning services, and serving in next generation worship.
If you are interested in serving on the tech team, please fill out the worship team audition form at the bottom of this page!

Worship Team Interest Form

Vocal Audition Information

Band Audition Information

Tech Team Information