DNOW 2025 Parent Consent Form


Consent & Liability

With my signature below, I, the parent or legal guardian of the person listed above, hereby, for the person(s) listed in the form above, knowingly and voluntarily waive any and all rights, claims, or causes of action of any kind arisen out of my child/ward’s participation in Fall Retreat.
I release and forever discharge Trinity Baptist Church, their affiliates, volunteers, staff, representatives, and members, from any injury that he/she may suffer as a direct result of his/her participation in the aforementioned Activity.
I further agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Releasees against any and all claims, suits, or actions of any kind whatsoever for liability, damages, compensation, or otherwise brought by me or anyone on my behalf.

Medical Release
I authorize Trinity Baptist Church staff members and personnel to provide all emergency medical care deemed necessary, including but not limited to, first aid, CPR, the use of AEDs, emergency medical transport, and sharing of medical information with medical personnel. I further agree to assume all costs involved and agree to be financially responsible for any costs incurred as a result of such treatment. I am aware and understand that I should carry my own health insurance.

I hereby acknowledge that I have carefully read this “waiver and release” and fully understand that it is a release of liability. I expressly agree to release and discharge Trinity Baptist Church and all its affiliates, managers, members, agents, attorneys, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives, predecessors, successors, and assigns from any and all claims or causes of action and I agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right that I otherwise have to bring a legal action against Trinity Baptist Church for personal injury or property damage.